result count: 3

guidiconnamecasttimecd group,magicinfo
491089574101Resonance with the Otherworld

cast: 0
>delay: 0
hits: 1
>delay 1
00: Resonance with the Otherworld 501466
AttackDistance: 200
RangeType: target(0)
491090574101Resonance with the Otherworld Effect

cast: 0
>delay: 0
hits: 1
>delay 1
00: 501467
AttackDistance: 1
RangeType: good_range(1)
>EffectRange: 150
>effectcount: 10
>decreasearg: -10
RangeSelect: Circle(0)
>shared: 0

cast: 0
>delay: 0
hits: 1
>delay 1
90: Invigorate 506846
AttackDistance: 500
RangeType: good_range(1)
>EffectRange: 500
>effectcount: 20
RangeSelect: Circle(0)
>shared: 0