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122530Alliance WarriorNPCs
122649Alliance SoldierNPCs
122717Alliance SoldierNPCs
213650Alliance Instructor Longbowweapon
213652Alliance Instructor Short Bladeweapon
213654Alliance Instructor Staffweapon
213765Alliance Protectorweapon
227664Alliance Helmetarmor
227665Alliance Gauntletsarmor
227666Alliance Plate Bootsarmor
227688Rare Alliance Helmetarmor
227689Rare Alliance Gauntletsarmor
227690Rare Alliance Plate Bootsarmor
230231Alliance Pioneer Metal Scale Gauntletsarmor
230238Alliance Researcher Chain Gauntletsarmor
230245Alliance Explorer Leather Glovesarmor
230252Alliance Knowledge Seeker Glovesarmor
230373Alliance Reinforcements Metal Glovesarmor
230374Alliance Reinforcements Metal Bootsarmor
230380Alliance Reinforcements Chainmail Glovesarmor
230381Alliance Reinforcements Chainmail Bootsarmor
230387Alliance Reinforcements Leather Glovesarmor
230388Alliance Reinforcements Leather Bootsarmor
230394Alliance Reinforcements Robe Glovesarmor
230395Alliance Reinforcements Robe Bootsarmor
240875Alliance EmblemsItems
424183Urgent Alliancequests
424412New Alliancequests
424976The Mission of the Alliance Delegationquests

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