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234380Gift from the Akson Family: Helmetarmor
234381Gift from the Akson Family: Coatarmor
234382Gift from the Akson Family: Shoulder Armorarmor
234383Gift from the Akson Family: Bootsarmor
234384Gift from the Akson Family: Glovesarmor
234385Gift from the Akson Family: Beltarmor
234386Gift from the Akson Family: Pantsarmor
234387Gift from the Thunderheart Family: Capearmor
240248Futen Whitehorn's Family CrestItems
422078Appointment to Visit the Sharay familyquests
423210Ayekin's Familyquests
423351Another Royal Familyquests
423667A Family Heirloomquests
423806Family Quarrelquests
426977Feeding a Familyquests
427122The Shadis Family Requestquests
427254The Akson Family Valuesquests
427267The Akson Family Joins the Fightquests
495689Family Tiesskills
506835Family Tiesbuffs
530189Friend of the Blake Familytitle
542966Meet the representative from the Shadis Family.keyitem
543722Friendly Visit - Sharay Familykeyitem
579917Two-Story Wooden Family HouseImage
625541Loyal Dog of the Royal Familybuffs
625542Power of the Loyal Dog of the Royal Familybuffs
851877Loyal Dog of the Royal Familyskills

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