result count: 14

SC_112621_0Listen to the old fisherman talk about [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast's] past.
SC_112621_1Back when a fisherman at [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast] first discovered those strange fish using nets and harpoons to catch fish, we felt we had something in common with them. We came to a sort of understanding with them.\nWhile most of the fish people were shy and avoided us, I heard many fisherman say that they would sometimes help chase fish into the fishermen's nets. That was really interesting! Of course, we would show our generosity by repaying them with some of our catch. We'd hang it on a tree outside their village and, after a while, they'd come take it away, leaving behind beautiful shells. Our fishermen liked to wear those shells as a sign of respect. Back then, [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast] was a peaceful and beautiful place, full of friendship.\nBut now we've lost those strange friends...
SC_112621_2I want to ask you about a type of food called horseshoe crab.
SC_112621_3Food? Ha ha ha! Did I hear you right? People eat horseshoe crabs? Did [112622|Mog Feilis] send you to ask me? Only a seafood fanatic like him could have such an idea...\nTo be honest, I have eaten horseshoe crab, but it really wasn't good! They've been the subject of heated debate because it's rumored that you can only catch them in [ZONE_ECHOES OF THE SEA|Heart of the Ocean]. Actually, you just have to go to the north side of [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast], on the beach near [ZONE_ECHOES OF THE SEA|Heart of the Ocean], and you can see a lot of this kind of creatures. But currently the place is patrolled by aggressive fish people and it's not easy to get close. I'll admit you're good, but I suggest you stay away from them!
SC_112621_4Listen to old fisherman [112621|Howey Mingstun] tell you about the [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast] fishermen's legend.
SC_112621_5The legend has been passed down from long ago. It's said that when the pirate queen, [101535|Snow Blake], swept across these waters, only [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast] was spared. Some say it's because the only thing on this beach were the fish people, so Snow wasn't interested. But we [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast] fisherman know that's not true.\nAccording to the legend passed down since ancient times, there's an ancient creature in these waters called the Teeth of the Reef. It's very powerful, and so Snow and the Black Sail Pirates didn't dare to get close. Many fishermen claim to have seen it, but no one can describe it. My father and grandfather were the greatest fishermen around and bravely went off to challenge that sea monster, but never returned. Now, I think it's my turn to face this fate too!
SC_112621_6You think for a while and decide to tell him the truth about the boat.
SC_112621_7You clear your throat, and decide to convince him to drink the bottle of whiskey.
SC_112621_8(You tell the old fisherman about the destruction of the boat and Milon's difficulties. The old man listens quietly, then is silent for a long time)\n\nSo, that kid did all of this to protect me?\n\nMaybe I shouldn't chase after unrealistic achievements. After all, the Teeth of the Reef isn't a horseshoe crab. Risking my life for a creature no one's ever really seen is kind of stupid...Maybe I should spend the rest of my life with people who really care about me.\n\nThank you, traveler. You have let this old man see what treasures are really the most valuable. Please accept these things as thanks for helping me so much. I should go back to [ZONE_BLACKMIRE|Mudpond Village].
SC_112621_9(The old fisherman stares at you with his old but still clear blue eyes, and quietly listens as you try to convince him to drink the whiskey first. All of a sudden, he lets out a hearty laugh.)\n\nHa ha ha! That's enough. I already know what you're trying to do.\n\nThis bottle of whiskey has Kami mushrooms in it, doesn't it? I think I already know who that destructive criminal is! It's Milon, isn't it? He a good kid...after all...\n\n(Old [112621|Howey] gets a little choked up)\n\nThis really makes me feel like a fool! I never realized that kid just wanted to protect me, and instead I went off chasing unrealistic dreams. You've made me see clearly, traveler. Your effort and that kid's heart have finally made me realize what I've done wrong.\n\nI was planning to use this stuff to fight the sea monster, but I don't need it anymore. Take it, please! I think I'll go back to [ZONE_BLACKMIRE|Mudpond Village]. Thank you.
Sys112621_nameHowey Mingstun
Sys112621_name_pluralHowey Mingstuns
Sys112621_szquestnpctext([112621|Howey Mingstun] is thinking aloud)\n\nIf a fisherman doesn't catch any fish, can he still be called a fisherman?\n\nIf he can, I want to spend my whole life fishing.
Sys112621_titlenameOld Fisherman