result count: 21

SAY_420774_0Hello, friend of the Order of Dark Glory. I'm very glad to see you.
SAY_420774_1I am also a friend of Karzak.
SAY_420774_10Damn! When I find that careless chatty guy...
SAY_420774_11It's okay. Get up, friend.
SAY_420774_12Then let my friend lead you to Karzak?
SAY_420774_13Messenger, please follow me.
SAY_420774_14We'll meet again some day, wise captain.
SAY_420774_15You can come out. You don't need to hide anymore.
SAY_420774_2Then will you let me... Hmm?
SAY_420774_3Captain! The patrol is coming this way!
SAY_420774_4What?! Oh no! Friend, could I ask you to play dead? Adventurer! You can hide in the box!
SAY_420774_5Where is this Dark Glory bastard?!
SAY_420774_6Are you talking about him?! That's a pity. You were just a minute too late. I killed these Dark Glory dogs. You're not here to steal my victory, are you?
SAY_420774_7Strange! That person just said that you met with the Order of Dark Glory here...
SAY_420774_8What are you saying! Are you trying to belittle me. We can sort this out with a fight!
SAY_420774_9No...sorry. I was in the wrong. You've been working hard. I will report to the chief of your glorious victory!
Sys420774_nameHelping on the Second Front
Sys420774_szquest_accept_detailOur backup is here!!\n\nIs this the calm before the storm? The lizards have been launching one attack after another. But then they just disappeared...\n\nI think they may be preparing another attack. Someone said that these monsters have grown stronger and more aggressive because of some influence from the minerals here. Anyways, I don't care so much right now! All I know is that we will stop them!
Sys420774_szquest_complete_detailVery good... It seems that they have stopped attacking. You can go back soon. The rest of us should be able to put up a solid defense now, if needed.
Sys420774_szquest_descGo to the eastern part of the canyon and help on the second front.
Sys420774_szquest_uncomplete_detailKeep your eyes open. They might rush us at any time.