result count: 7

SC_421344_0Why are you blaming me for Polleck's death? I didn't make him do anything! He wanted to be the hero!
SC_421344_1You believe Polleck's death had something to do with [100874|Angelina]. Blame her!
Sys421344_nameAdmission of Guilt
Sys421344_szquest_accept_detailI truly did not intend to kill Polleck. I didn't ever think that he wouldn't even be able to take care of a [100869|Mammoth Mother]. If he could have just been resilient like you, even though he lost to Rhyst, Rhyst still would have just injured him a bit. Please believe me - we don't want to kill anyone!\n(Coming to this point, [100874|Angelina] begins to choke a bit.)\nI know I have pushed [111286|Old Man Bolton] into the depths of misery, but I promise that I will take good care of him as a daughter cares for her father.
Sys421344_szquest_complete_detailThank you for your tolerance and your mercy.
Sys421344_szquest_desc[111299|Meek Angelina] expresses her apologies.