result count: 5

Sys421374_nameStedman's Mischief
Sys421374_szquest_accept_detailAfter comparing, I've discovered that the [111334|Honey Crystal] is the excrement of the [<S>100435|Mutated Budworms]! This is great!\n\nI remember that [111314|Eric] has a real sweet tooth. If people like him knew that the bread had [100435|Mutated Budworm] excrement in it... that would be so funny!\n\nHahaha, quickly take this [202757|Letter] to him! I can already imagine what his face will look like!
Sys421374_szquest_complete_detailA letter from [111315|Stedman]. This can't be good!
Sys421374_szquest_descTake the [202757|Letter] to [111314|Eric] for [111315|Stedman].
Sys421374_szquest_uncomplete_detailMyrmex...are such an interesting research topic.