result count: 5

Sys421683_nameCursed Compass
Sys421683_szquest_accept_detailAfter hearing the story of [101534|Lookout Luke], there are a few things I'd like you to help me with.\n\n[101534|Lookout Luke's] [203615|Cursed Compass] is said to have the magical ability to locate the world's treasures in an instant, but the curse of the compass causes whoever possesses it to meet a miserable end...\n\nBut I think the curse is just a way to keep people from trying to steal the compass. If you're "lucky" enough to run into the ghost of [101534|Lookout Luke] in the [ZONE_DGN_THE_TREASURE_TROVE|Treasure Trove], help me see if his [203615|Cursed Compass] is still there. When you've found it, bring the [203615|Cursed Compass] back to me.
Sys421683_szquest_complete_detailThis is [101534|Lookout Luke's] [203615|Cursed Compass]?\n\nI suddenly feel a chill ... maybe there really is a terrible curse on it ...
Sys421683_szquest_descEnter [ZONE_DGN_THE_TREASURE_TROVE|Treasure Trove] and help [112277|Cooke Dast] in the [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress] get [101534|Lookout Luke's] [203615|Cursed Compass].
Sys421683_szquest_uncomplete_detailMaybe that magic compass is just what we need to become the next lords of the sea...\n\nHeh, heh, heh, I see countless treasures waving at me!