result count: 7

SC_422078_0Sir, I am here as agreed. Is all well at the manor?
SC_422078_1Brave Knight, without your support, the family of Sharay would not have prospered so.
Sys422078_nameAppointment to Visit the Sharay family
Sys422078_szquest_accept_detailTogether with my husband and daughter, I want to take Jiminy home.\n\nNo words can express my gratitude for bringing Jiminy back.\n\nWhen you return to the [ZONE_DAELANIS_OLD_TOWN|Dalanis Old City District], you must come visit us and give us the opportunity to express our thanks to you.
Sys422078_szquest_complete_detailThe whole Sharay family is grateful to you, honorable friend. Please accept our thanks.
Sys422078_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_DAELANIS_OLD_TOWN|Dalanis Old City District] and visit the Sharay family.
Sys422078_szquest_uncomplete_detailI can feel that Jiminy is with us.