result count: 6

SC_422207_0You find the mutilated corpse of a soldier that was obviously attacked by some kind of creature. Some parts of the body have even been chewed on. It looks like the creature was planning on eating him. Perhaps you should deliver this frightening news to the soldier's captain.
Sys422207_nameIdle Soldiers?
Sys422207_szquest_accept_detail([112633|Mick Supan] looks very pleased with himself.)\n\nYou see? Didn't I say the viscount would be generous? I bet you have never before in your life seen that much money, right?\n\nI have some good news. I have another job for you! You should be happy about this. Serving the viscount is a great honor! There's certainly more of a future in it than cutting wood in this cursed forest...\n\nEarlier the viscount dispatched some of his soldiers to go out and look for food and firewood, but they haven't come back yet. That's right. If this place wasn't such a good staging post, we wouldn't have spent so much time here. Can you take a look for me and see what the hell these boys are playing at? They're probably somewhere in the forest, outside the village. They won't be hard to find.
Sys422207_szquest_complete_detail(When [112632|Lao Timiz] hears your report about the dead soldier, a look of dread flashes across his face. He quickly looks away and when he turns back, his haughty demeanor has returned.)
Sys422207_szquest_descGo into the forest outside Woodchop Village and look for the missing soldiers.
Sys422207_szquest_uncomplete_detailLieutenant, where have all the others gone? I'm hungry. Do you hear me? I said, I'm HUNGRY.