result count: 5

Sys422323_namePassing on a Note
Sys422323_szquest_accept_detailIn the name of the Holy King, we shall all grow from our experiences!\n\nChild, you are no exception! Absorb all your lessons well and grow through suffering. Maybe the process will be difficult, but you will grow. The lessons that you learn now will become the rules by which you live. \n\n(Sigh) I can see from your face that you find my words confusing. Never mind. One day you will understand that all lessons, good and bad, are significant!\n\nOh yes! Child, if you plan to leave this beautiful building, could you take this small [204599|Note] to Assistant [112840|Yarvis] on the southeast coast for me?
Sys422323_szquest_complete_detailA [204599|Note] written by Master [112841|Argily]? I understand!\n\n([112840|Yarvis] carefully reads the [204599|Note] and then looks up at you)\n\nWait, [$PLAYERNAME]! Don't walk away!
Sys422323_szquest_descTake the [204599|Note] to the southeast coast of the [ZONE_ELVEN CITADEL|Elven Island] and give it to the Master's assistant, [112840|Yarvis].
Sys422323_szquest_uncomplete_detailMaster [112841|Argily]?\n\nChild, does he have something for me?