result count: 5

Sys422510_nameThe Villains
Sys422510_szquest_accept_detailVillains! Eduth villains! Always troubling us.\n\nThe Bodos of Luzan are going to strike back. We're going to let Eduth know we won't just lie down and be treated this way.\n\nGo teach 12 [<S>102225|Eduth Commoners] a lesson for us. They won't be so quick to trouble us in the future!
Sys422510_szquest_complete_detailLuzan has yet to commit any crime against Eduth. Why does Eduth keep treating us this way? It's impermissible!
Sys422510_szquest_descHelp [113249|Kalakabur] of Luzan by teaching a lesson to 12 [<S>102225|Eduth Commoners].
Sys422510_szquest_uncomplete_detailLet Eduth know that we will not be oppressed!