result count: 5

Sys422567_nameA Dutiful Mercenary
Sys422567_szquest_accept_detailThere's still lots of unanswered questions, but I think we should get these things to [113265|Sheebo Kanten] as soon as we can for analysis and study...much better than us sitting around here playing guessing games I'd say. \n\n[$PLAYERNAME], your final task is to take this [205599|Package] to [113265|Sheebo Kanten]!\n\nYou go! The wounds on my back are killing me. I have to consider every movement carefully.\n\nBut actionable intelligence must be delivered ASAP. That's the mission!
Sys422567_szquest_complete_detailHmmm... This data you brought back is both troubling and reassuring in equal measures. \n\nIt's reassuring that this energy is not being generated by the Naga. What's troubling is we still don't know anything about its provenance. Anyway, at least the thing is in our possession now and we can rest easy for a while.\n\nMy dear adventurer, thank you for helping me complete my investigation. Here is your well-earned reward.
Sys422567_szquest_descGive the [205599|Package] to [113265|Sheebo Kanten] on [ZONE_APE MOUNTAIN|Ape Mountain].
Sys422567_szquest_uncomplete_detailFinished your information gathering?\n\nIn that case, thanks for all your help. Now hand it over!