result count: 5

Sys422616_nameGlory and Dishonor
Sys422616_szquest_accept_detailWhen the [102265|Naga Suppressors] kill our men, they strip their bodies of weapons. They take them for trophies, but we consider it a desecration!\n\nHelp me kill those cocky [<S>102265|Naga Suppressors] and retrieve 12 [<S>205664|Commando Weapons] that belong to us.
Sys422616_szquest_complete_detailThese weapons are just the tip of the iceberg. A lot more need returning before our comrades can rest in peace.
Sys422616_szquest_descHelp Commando [113326|Shawy Sanburs] retrieve 12 [<S>205664|Commando Weapons] from [<S>102265|Naga Suppressors] in the eastern side of the [ZONE_NAGA SUPPLY LINE EAST|Naga Supply Line].
Sys422616_szquest_uncomplete_detailHelp me kill those cocky [<S>102265|Naga Suppressors] and retrieve 12 [<S>205664|Commando Weapons] that belong to us.