result count: 12

SC_422712_0You need to find the northern [113425|Observation Circle] first.
SC_422712_1The crystal indicates the barrier's current boundary...
SC_422712_2The crystal indicates the barrier's boundary in a number of years... You can see that the barrier is weakening!
SC_422712_3The crystal needs 10 more seconds to complete its measurements
SC_422712_4The crystal is damaged! If this continues, the observations will fail!
SC_422712_5The crystal is destroyed! Observations fail!
SC_422712_6Observations have commenced. Protect the crystal well!
Sys422712_nameRegular Observations
Sys422712_szquest_accept_detailOur current problem is put it simply, we don't have enough manpower. As you can see, us leaders want to take turns pouring energy to keep the barrier open.\n\nSpeaking of the barrier, when we first started, even I couldn't figure out how it was constructed until we found this book in the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower]. It contains records of two artifacts. One is the Elven holy sword "Arclight" that is full of the mighty power of nature. The other is a shield that brims with the power of the water dragon, the "Holy Oath." Thousands of years ago, people used these artifacts as the core for the great sleep curse and the barrier that were used to isolate the Naga and other evil powers in "[ZONE_MOUNT AL TURAJ|Aotulia Volcano]." I know that you previously battled the Naga, so you certainly don't believe that the barrier can block them or that going near this wall will put them to sleep... (He raises his head to look at the weather). It's time, you had better go look for yourself.\n\nI designed this [205847|Observation Crystal] myself based on what was written in the book. At first it will point out the current edge of the barrier, but if you give it 30 seconds, it can extrapolate the edge of the barrier 3 years into the future. I already set up an [113425|Observation Circle] on the north side. Crystals can be used to start it up easily. But this kind of surveying seems to attract attacks from those Guardians, so you should be careful.
Sys422712_szquest_complete_detailNot bad, eh? Although it isn't noticeable with the naked eye, but the barrier really is slowly weakening. I bet that the same thing is happening with the curse.\n\nThis is why the Naga can cross from the north through the cliff to the [ZONE_SAVAGE LANDS|Savage Lands]! The northern barrier disappeared long ago!
Sys422712_szquest_descUse the [205847|Observation Crystal] that [113420|Kerchif Waylan] gave you on the [113425|Observation Circle] on the north side, then wait 30 seconds and report the results back to [113420|Kerchif Waylan].
Sys422712_szquest_uncomplete_detailHow did it go? What did you find out?