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SC_422809_6It's a secret. [113685|Namidas] put it on the side. The Goddess must wait for [113685|Namidas] to go before opening it.
SC_422809_7Um... Okay then, [113685|Namidas].
SC_422809_8Don't open it yet. Wait till [113685|Namidas'] gone...
SC_422809_9What could it be?
Sys422809_nameA broken Goddess?
Sys422809_szquest_accept_detail[$PLAYERNAME]? [$PLAYERNAME]? Ah ha... [113685|Namidas] is calling you, did you hear? [113685|Namidas] has something important to tell you.\n\nThe Goddess is acting strange! When you left, Lumith reported back to her, after which she didn't speak for a long time... A long, long time...\n\nBefore, the Goddess would occasionally have the very same expression on her face. At that time, she would act quite strange, as if she were broken. But regardless of what [113685|Namidas] said to her, she just ignored him. Not long after, a strange person appeared. The Goddess' expression when she saw him was very warm, just like how [113685|Namidas] looks at his beloved Lumith.\n\nBut soon after, the Goddess was in a lot of pain, making [113685|Namidas] want to cry for her. She is so powerful and has helped [113685|Namidas] with so many things, but [113685|Namidas] couldn't help her with anything. After a long, long time, that strange person disappeared and the Goddess' eyes would suddenly turn very dark and she wouldn't be able to see anything.\n\n[113685|Namidas] hates this and keeps thinking of fixing the Goddess, so he stole her favorite bracelet. She started becoming broken after seeing it. However, she is still broken. [113685|Namidas] doesn't want the Goddess to be broken.\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], will you help [113685|Namidas]?
Sys422809_szquest_complete_detail[113685|Namidas]! Stupid! Idiotic...\nCouldn't even help the Goddess in the end.\n\nWaaaa... the Goddess is still broken.
Sys422809_szquest_descCheck out the situation with [113685|Namidas] then catch the strange person together.
Sys422809_szquest_uncomplete_detail[$PLAYERNAME], will you help [113685|Namidas]?

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