result count: 5

Sys422849_nameProof of Childhood Friendship
Sys422849_szquest_accept_detailThese are the pants. We loved these little horns then but we let each other wear them. Then we decided that I would wear them one day and [113948|Lurman] could wear them one day...\n\nActually, I wondered if the mighty spirits looked down on us for fighting and set this disaster upon us to teach us a lesson and make us work together. Child of the good Elf [113282|Mynarvis], please go to [ZONE_BODO OF WIND|Luzan] next and bring these pants and this letter to [113948|Lurman].
Sys422849_szquest_complete_detailThese pants and these little horns...look so familiar. They couldn’t really be the ones I'm thinking of, could they?\n\n([113948|Lurman] opens up the patterned leaf, half looking at it and half wiping tears from his eyes.)\n\n[113947|Ulman], that old geezer. He still hasn't changed a bit... He was like this before. Whenever we had disputes, it was always him that first yielded and admitted his mistake, regardless of who it was that was made the mistake. Now he's...still like this.
Sys422849_szquest_descTake the [206375|Bodo Gang Pants] and letter to [113948|Lurman] in [ZONE_BODO OF WIND|Luzan] for [113947|Ulman].
Sys422849_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou are...the adventurer that took the [113301|Barrack]. Why did you come to [ZONE_BODO OF WIND|Luzan]? What do you want to take now?