result count: 4

Sys422945_nameMother's Letter
Sys422945_szquest_accept_detailSir Knight, I hope you can help me. My son has joined the Lionheart Knights, and I'm worried that something has happened to him. If you have time, can you deliver this letter to him?\n\nI've gone to [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] City to look for him several times, but I didn't see the Knight Trainer or [115029|Weily Loith]. I thought that maybe someone in the Lionheart Knights could help deliver the letter to him directly. Please help, Sir Knight.
Sys422945_szquest_complete_detailMother asked you to deliver a letter to me?\nWhy didn't she just come herself?
Sys422945_szquest_descGive [115022|Betty Ilun's] letter to [115029|Weily Loith].