result count: 5

Sys423189_nameHand Over the Weapon
Sys423189_szquest_accept_detailOk! Now can you take this [206810|Special Potion] and this [206811|Weapon] to Elder [115460|Kyle Saaj]?\n\nThis is for the safety of the village. Weapons forged with the Power of the Titan are superior to outside weapons.\n\nWhat is the Power of the Titan? I'll put it this way. It is a crystal made by a mysterious force, but the villagers saw it as a sacred sign and neglect its power.\n\nIndeed, the crystals surrounding the Guardian make the Guardian look as if he was omitting light, it's no wonder the residents saw it as sacred. But the name of the Demon [115375|Karebas] inscribed on the Guardian is especially ironic.\n\nLet's not talk about this. I've already put everything on the chest. Please take them to [115460|Kyle Saaj]!
Sys423189_szquest_complete_detailYou're an outsider? Right! I've seen you before...with a tall companion.\n\n[115449|Belle Allen] asked you to bring something over?\n\nThis potion...
Sys423189_szquest_desc[115449|Belle Allen] wants you to take the [206810|Special Potion] and the [206811|Weapon] to Elder [115460|Kyle Saaj] in [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor].
Sys423189_szquest_uncomplete_detailSomeone asked you to bring me something? Then where's the item?