result count: 22

SC_423740_01(Ask about the top performers.)
SC_423740_02These are the top-skilled performers for each act, better than normal performers. They are more competent when executing complex or difficult stunts - the pride of the circus.
SC_423740_03(Ask when the top performers will come on stage.)
SC_423740_04Our circus' proudest performers usually don't join the stage program. You only have a chance to see their brilliant performances during special occasions or when they themselves request it.
SC_423740_05Their performances are so brilliant! After I saw one of the jugglers named Cayus perform, I instantly became a loyal fan of the circus!\r\n\r\nI will never forget that performance. Those flying swords seems to have been pushed by magic, as if they had minds of their own. They came so close to cutting the performer. And let me tell you, at that point he was dancing and throwing knives at the same time!\r\n\r\nI don't know how he does it, the great Cayus!
SC_423740_06Every act is great, but I like the conjurer "Chapeaunoir" the best.\r\n\r\nYou can't predict what surprise he and his hat will give you. He actually stuck his whole arm into the hat, and then put the hat on his shoulder! No matter who came up on stage to see if they could put their arms in like that, they couldn't do it!\r\n\r\nThose performers are really awesome! How is it that they do it?
SC_423740_07Every generation in my family enjoys watching the circus acts, especially those top ones, whose performances always make us wide-eyed.\n\nBut my grandfather says he watched some of those same performers when he was a kid. So just how old are these guys?\n\nCould it be that even though they wear the same costumes, they are actually different people?
SC_423740_08What did you find out?
SC_423740_09(Tell him about the conjurer Chapeaunoir)
SC_423740_10I've seen him perform before. That hat seems to be infinitely deep. It's like he can pull anything he wants out of there. Whenever he flourishes his cape miracles happen.\r\n\r\nYou never know what kind of shock he will give you in the next second.
SC_423740_11(Tell him about the juggler Cayus.)
SC_423740_12Strange... I think an image flashed across my mind...\r\n\r\n(The ghost's expression suddenly turns painful.)\r\n\r\nUgh... My head hurts...\r\n\r\nThis guy... I know him... I've seen his performance...
SC_423740_13(Ask about the ghost's situation.)
SC_423740_14The image of Cayus standing before me flashed across my mind, holding flying knives with an evil smile. I don't know why I'm so scared in this memory.\r\n\r\nWhy would I be scared? Hmm...\r\n\r\n(He looks like he is concentrating deeply on his memories.)\r\n\r\nI... I was screaming loudly... But he... He was smiling so happily...\r\n\r\nMy hand... My body hurts so badly...\r\n\r\nHe seems to really enjoy my suffering...
SC_423740_15(Are you ok?)
SC_423740_16...I think I... I think I remember how I died.\r\n\r\nAt the time, I was fascinated with Juggler Cayus' gorgeous skills. So I snuck behind stage to talk with him. Afterwards he said he wanted me to be an assistant for the show. He suggested that he tie me up on stage. I agreed without hesitation. \r\n\r\nBut I never thought that his flying knives would actually be aimed at my body. He laughed out loud as he heard my screams of pain. The knife stabs got closer and closer to my vital organs. At the time, there were other performers present back stage. But they ignored my screams and just went about their business.\r\n\r\nIn the end, I don't know if he got bored or tired, but one of the knives suddenly pierced my throat. I was unable to breath, and then I...\r\n\r\n(He sighs.)
SC_423740_17(Wait quietly.)
Sys423740_nameThe Top Performers
Sys423740_szquest_accept_detailThese props... I've certainly seen them before. They are without a doubt props from the [ZONE_MOON_CIRCUS|Moonlight Circus] performers. But there is a room used as a laboratory underneath [ZONE_MOON_CIRCUS|Moonlight Circus]? I've never heard of that before. Also... How did I get here?\n\nStrange, so very strange. I still can't remember.\n\nI watched the circus acts for over 20 years. By the end, unless the top performers were on stage, I wouldn't go. Those top ones are really brilliant! Their skills are simply beyond the limits of the human body. They... Huh? What did they perform?\n\nI don't know why but I can't remember what they performed. In any case, the last few years I only went to [ZONE_MOON_CIRCUS|Moonlight Circus] during the times the top performers were on stage. If you could ask around if they have performed recently, maybe it could jog a memory.
Sys423740_szquest_complete_detailAh, I remember everything now...
Sys423740_szquest_descAsk about the top performers at [ZONE_MOON_CIRCUS|Moonlight Circus] and report back to the [117103|Mumbling Ghost].
Sys423740_szquest_uncomplete_detailFor some reason after seeing those circus props I got chills...