result count: 5

Sys423762_nameLost Soul
Sys423762_szquest_accept_detailIt is really hard for me to imagine how the young king bore all that guilt. Although it was for a virtuous cause, his sins made him unable to rest in peace and lead even to his awakening, constantly repeating those past events...\r\n\r\n[$playername], if you have the power, please help a lost soul rest in peace. Even though I can't give you a rich reward, I will thank you deeply.
Sys423762_szquest_complete_detailAlthough these matters seem to have come to a complete close, it feels like the ending is not quite right. Maybe this ending is just another beginning...
Sys423762_szquest_desc[117188|Sean Card] wants you to go to [ZONE_LAKESIDE_CEMETERY|Lakeside Graveyard] and cleanse [116808|Crull Grafu], who is lost due to his sins.\n\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_02|(Recommended group size: 4 and more)]
Sys423762_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf I had the same deep guilt as the young lord, would it affect me the same way?