result count: 14

SC_423796_01Flat male's voice says: I don't know who dismantled all the traps that we set. It stopped me from catching any new prey. The nerve...
SC_423796_01_2You hear two male voices in conversation...
SC_423796_02Deep male's voice says: That's enough complaining. Hurry back to the camp north of the riverbank and smuggle the rest of those animals back. We'll deal with the trap problem later.
SC_423796_03Deep male's voice says: You can't find these animals anywhere else. That's why rich and powerful people love to burn money on purchasing these strange creatures.
SC_423796_04Deep male's voice says: Thanks to these people, we can earn a pocket full of money for barely any effort...
SC_423796_05Flat male's voice says: Shhh...I think someone is listening...You should go back. I think you've said enough...
SC_423796_06Hey! Who are you? What are you doing there?
SC_423796_07You are the one who was eavesdropping on us, aren't you? Grab him. Don't let him get away!
SC_423796_08You can't use this yet.
Sys423796_nameFind the Poachers
Sys423796_szquest_accept_detailI already heard the details of the situation from that human friend while you were unconscious. \n\nThe excessive pursuit of objects and greed are sure signs that you have lost balance in your heart. We still aren't clear about the intentions of the people who set these traps, but if they are really just catching these animals for selfish gain, we can't just sit by and let it happen. \n\nThe hunters have set up camp nearby the traps so that they can easily collect their quarry. Therefore, they must still be lurking somewhere inside the valley. It's very likely that they are out checking on their traps. Go back and look where the traps were set. Perhaps you'll discover something.
Sys423796_szquest_complete_detailIt looks like they are indeed poachers. We must take action.
Sys423796_szquest_descGo back to where the traps were set in [ZONE_SMA'LD_VALLEY_RESPONT|Shuma Valley] and attempt to find the whereabouts of the wicked adventurers.
Sys423796_szquest_uncomplete_detailTrappers usually wait nearby their traps until they've caught their prey, so they must still be waiting in the valley.