result count: 5

Sys424411_nameThe Wild Taste of Mushrooms
Sys424411_szquest_accept_detailUnless you are unique and like to bite until your cheeks are swollen, you should eat the dried Chupura meat. Otherwise you need luxurious ingredients for a feast! \n\nSo, you should go to the plains behind the village and hunt some [<S>105849|Kagasi Plains Stone Armored Rhinos] and get some [<S>240022|Stone Armored Rhino Hindquarters]. Then go to the puddles behind the farm and get some [<S>118683|Stingtail Dragonfly Eggs]!
Sys424411_szquest_complete_detailThe taste of [<S>240022|Stone Armored Rhino Hindquarters] used for smoked ham is fantastic. [<S>240023|Stingtail Dragonfly Eggs] needs to be fried. It becomes very crispy if it's grilled. Nothing else needs to be said about the [<S>240009|Boshi Ribs]! \n\nHowever, these ingredients are still missing some seasoning. Thus I will first put them aside and then deal with them later. That is, of course, unless you are one of those people who likes meat that has been boiled white or mystery food that has been mashed up like baby food.
Sys424411_szquest_descHunt [<S>105849|Kagasi Plains Stone Armored Rhinos], catch [<S>118683|Stingtail Dragonfly Eggs] and obtain some [<S>240009|Boshi Ribs].
Sys424411_szquest_uncomplete_detailI remember last time [118291|Orlando Cassidy's] party ate so much dried Chupura meat that they couldn't eat anymore and there was still a lot left over. Do you want to eat ribs or other things? You haven't gone to hunt for the ingredients yet?