result count: 7

SC_425108_AYou can only use this in the [ZONE_FORGING_DISTRICT|Forging District]!
SC_425108_BYou haven't improved anything. Maybe you should try in a hotter place!
Sys425108_nameUnbearable Heat you have any ice?\n\nMy god, it's so hot here. How can those dwarves stay here all day? I can't stand it any more.\n\nI asked [SC_EYEOFWISDOM|Eye of Wisdom] to make some frost runes. Here it is. Take it inside the [ZONE_FORGING_DISTRICT|Forging District] and use it! Cool this place, please! I'm so hot I can't move...
Sys425108_szquest_complete_detailAh...\n\n(He seems to be too comfortable to speak)
Sys425108_szquest_descHelp [120071|Locke Daniel] find the overheated place in the [ZONE_FORGING_DISTRICT|Forging District] and use the [240905|Frost Rune] to lower the temperature.
Sys425108_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhy is it still so hot?! Do you not know how to use this frost rune?\n\nYou just have to find the hottest spot!\n\nQuickly! I'm begging you...