result count: 5

Sys425385_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], this emergency battle plan calls for the following: \n\nCounter the [<S>106722|Gloomy Barons] destruction sortie. [ZONE_RAGE_BRIGADE|Rage Assault Camp] should carry out the annihilation directly, but in order to maintain front line battle strength, outside manpower must be transferred to this task. Ensure that the [<S>106722|Gloomy Barons] are driven back before harm comes to the [106867|Angry Earth Vine]. \n\nBest of luck.
Sys425385_szquest_complete_detail[Sys425357_szquest_complete_detail|Thanks to your help we can move on to the next phase of the plan!]
Sys425385_szquest_descKill the [<S>106722|Gloomy Barons].
Sys425385_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf the [<S>106867|Angry Earth Vines] are destroyed, [ZONE_RAGE_BRIGADE|Rage Assault Camp] could be enveloped by a swarm of [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech].