result count: 6

SC_Q425873_1I'll take the [242184|Identifying Tag]. This matter will be handled by me now. Don't worry! We'll find a way to rescue them.
Sys425873_nameTravelling with the Flow Master
Sys425873_szquest_accept_detailI have received unsettling news. A group of my men has disappeared. All of my men are important to me, and if I don't help them, they will be doomed. I mustn't leave them to the boundless waters, but I mustn't risk the life of others either... \n\nI have a request to make. Please take these badges and show them to [121861|Slander], the Great Flow Master. Here are the [<S>242184|Identifying Tags] of my men. Please let me know what [121861|Slander] can do for us...
Sys425873_szquest_complete_detailIt grieves me to hear about the hardships of these companions. But let's try to see the opportunity this may present. \n\n[121881|Shárgon] knows a lot about healing and is a good follower. [121880|Tumagi] is a fighter and knows how to wage war. By combining the powers of them both, we will grow stronger in spite of all troubles!
Sys425873_szquest_desc[121878|Angeli] asks for your help to talk to [121861|Slander] about rescuing the companions from the enemy camp.
Sys425873_szquest_uncomplete_detailI heard that some of your men were captured by the enemy. That's bad news indeed. However, if you can find me the [<S>242184|Identifying Tags], I may be able to help.