result count: 9

SC_Z24Q425882_01(Annoys him and makes him beat you)
SC_Z24Q425882_02Officer! What did I do?
SC_Z24Q425882_03I...I will go back to my post right away!
SC_Z24Q425882_04It's too far away. The [107642|Feisty Alliance Warrior] won't catch up anymore.
Sys425882_nameNo Retaliation
Sys425882_szquest_accept_detailWell, you look like you're reliable. So it's you then! \n\nSorry to trouble you, hero of the Alliance. Some of the troubled soldiers need your moral assistance. I know it is much to ask for, but morale is low and these soldiers have been victim to all kinds of wicked plays. Knowing their hot temper, it would probably be best if someone could help them to blow off some steam. The enemy's influence on their mood is growing stronger and stronger. If we don't do something to control their aggression, they may become dangerous. \n\nNow, what we need is a suitable victim to be the focus of their anger, and finding someone who can take a proper beating isn't easy. - But that's where you come into play! Would you be willing to take some hits for the sake of the Alliance?
Sys425882_szquest_complete_detailThanks for taking on this task. \n\n(Trying to comfort you she gives you a pat on the back.)
Sys425882_szquest_descHelp 3 Alliance Soldiers to blow off some steam.
Sys425882_szquest_uncomplete_detailJust remember: Don't argue with them, and most importantly, don't hit back! We want them to calm down, mind you...