result count: 5

Sys426098_nameUnsettling Prophecy
Sys426098_szquest_accept_detailWhat this woman said seems to imply that Jill is going to kill the dragons. The Bright Dragon...that must be the Light Dragon [120896|Bankelemos], right? And the Traitorous Dragon...that should be the Frost Dragon [121199|Kadmos]. \n\n[ZONE_BOUTMAN_HAUNT|Bethomia]...[$playername], as far as I know, there's a camp of the Alliance nearby. You have to go to the camp and give them a warning. They have to be prepared. I will go to [ZONE_BOUTMAN_HAUNT|Bethomia]. I'm sure something is going to happen there soon.
Sys426098_szquest_complete_detailSo, what you are saying is, there will be something happening in [ZONE_BOUTMAN_HAUNT|Bethomia]? Commander, I hope your warning has come just in time.
Sys426098_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_LYASON_COLLECTION_CAMP|Lyndon Camp] to warn [121752|Tomas Stanhagen] and report what the mysterious woman had to say.
Sys426098_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat made you come here? Are you here to help us?