result count: 5

Sys426340_nameA Concealed Record
Sys426340_szquest_accept_detailI was so happy to hear that [122320|Mallory Shester] is still alive. But...aye, how did his recommendations get mixed in with those of the Alliance? Not only that, but the two of us were put in different units, making it nearly impossible to communicate.\n\nWe will let him research the history of the stone. I want to focus on the [242653|Record Book] under the floorboards of [ZONE_BELLATIA MONASTERY|Royal Abbey]. If we can rescue the [242653|Record Book], then I think we will discover something beyond our expectations.
Sys426340_szquest_complete_detailAwesome! We'll unfold all the secrets of this Kingdom's history!
Sys426340_szquest_descUncover those [<S>122319|Suspicious Floorboards] and help [122322|Johan Saton] find 5 [<S>242653|Record Books].
Sys426340_szquest_uncomplete_detail[122320|Mallory Shester] is a total history buff. When she gets going, no one can get a word in edge-wise.