result count: 10

SC_Z27Q426450_01You open the chest.
SC_Z27Q426450_02(You find a finely-wrought necklace in the chest. There's a strange scent, just like that of the compass in your hand.)
SC_Z27Q426450_03"The compass disappeared, right?\n\nThe moment you doubt the compass, it returns to me automatically. \n\nOnly when you completely trust me and the compass can I give it to you again."
SC_Z27Q426450_04I am now ready to follow the compass.
SC_Z27Q426450_05Go now and let the light show you the way through the fog.
Sys426450_nameMysterious Compass
Sys426450_szquest_accept_detailAs far as I can see there's something very different between you and the other pirates. You aren't a true pirate, are you? You came here because of someone you know, right? And now you'd like to unwrap the veil of secrets that surrounds this island... Well know this: with every step, the path that lies before you will grow harder, not easier.\n\nYour scent draws my attention. Maybe you really are the chosen one...\n\nCome! Take this special compass and let it show you the path you must take. It will show you how to reach your goal.
Sys426450_szquest_complete_detail(You hold a necklace with a pendant in your hands. It has a portrait of a beautiful woman on it. The back of the necklace is engraved: "Kidd". But when you try to stow the necklace so that you can show Will later, it suddenly turns to ashes and vanishes from your hand. The [242979|Mysterious Compass] in your backpack also seems to float.)
Sys426450_szquest_descA mysterious sorceress said that the compass could show you rays of light in thick fog. Naturally, you want to see this with your own eyes.
Sys426450_szquest_uncomplete_detail(Just an old chest, but the entire area is full of an odor that reminds you of the curious scent of the compass that you hold in your hands.)