result count: 5

Sys426484_namePrecious as Water
Sys426484_szquest_accept_detailHonorable Mate, it's extremely difficult at the moment to find the runes necessary for a transportation circle. Our last chance is trading with the People of the Scarlet Blaze near the [ZONE_THOUSAND_HOLE_RIDGE|Valley of One Thousand Stone Eyes]. Although they mainly see the runes as weapons, we may find usable runes that we can employ for our own purposes. The problem is that the People of the Scarlet Blaze only trade for water. And we barely have enough water ourselves. What's more, the spring at [ZONE_LAKE_NORKDO|Lake Noktus] has been taken by pirates again. \n\nThe only one in a position to storm the pirate camp and take the water from them is you, Honorable Mate. You'll also find my [122896|Small Water Barrel] in the lake, which I left behind earlier. You can transport the water in this barrel. Please help us!
Sys426484_szquest_complete_detailYou did an amazing job. Impressive!
Sys426484_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_LAKE_NORKDO|Lake Noktus] and bring 10 buckets of [242985|Lake Noktus Water] to [122893|Jackie Pains] with the [122896|Small Water Barrel].
Sys426484_szquest_uncomplete_detailI created the [122896|Small Water Barrel] myself. It's a technological masterpiece. You should give it a closer look!