result count: 17

SC_426488_1I'm ready to meet you. That means that I acknowledge your abilities.\n\nBut all the same, I advise you against it. No matter how well you prepare, you cannot catch me.
SC_426488_10Aren't you afraid that we might abduct you?
SC_426488_11You can try, but there's no sense. Even if you succeed, there's nothing more I could give you.
SC_426488_12What is your so-called riddle, then?
SC_426488_13I said that we have all that we need. If we solve the riddle, then it's totally useless.\n\nListen closely to the telling of the riddle. You can even write it down, but it's really completely useless.\n\n"When intelligence, power and protection are in harmony, then the time of the new moon approaches. The tooth of the new moon is one of the three aspects."
SC_426488_2What group do you belong to, eh?
SC_426488_3We belong to no one. We're only here because of Captain Kidd. At the end of his life, Kidd retired to this island. He hid all of the treasures that he'd collected during his long life on the island. Since then, we've been here following our own goals.
SC_426488_4Too imprecise for me. What's this treasure you seek?
SC_426488_5You don't know anything and yet you come here seeking treasure? How did you even manage to get to this island?\n\nAfter the master traveled the world, he hid all the treasures that he collected. If you were to find but a few of those treasures, you'd have more money than you could spend in a lifetime. That's obvious enough, no?\n\nBut the greatest treasure of Kidd, the king of the pirates, belongs only to the one who solves his riddle. Kidd left the riddle from the afterlife. The person who solves it will have their wish granted - and they can wish for anything!
SC_426488_6Why was Kidd able to amass such power?
SC_426488_7He has this power. If you ask us, he's like a god.
SC_426488_8Why don't you solve it?
SC_426488_9You misunderstand us. We have all that we want.\n\nOur duty is only to administer Kidd's legacy. The true treasure is already in our hearts.
Sys426488_nameThe Secret of Kidd's Sons
Sys426488_szquest_accept_detailI really am one of [122966|Kidd's Sons], and I don't care if you believe me or not. To find the master's treasure, you'll need more than just trust. Only the best can find it. \n\nYou can only lay claim to the treasure if you pass a test that no one has ever passed before. Only then will you have proven that your pirate crew is strong enough. \n\nIf you have questions, ask them now. My time is limited.
Sys426488_szquest_complete_detailHa ha ha. That's a lot of questions. You're a very curious pirate...
Sys426488_szquest_descQuestion [122966|Pirate from Kidd's Sons] to get clues leading to [122980|Kidd's] hidden treasure.