result count: 5

Sys426516_nameHulu Cultural Studies
Sys426516_szquest_accept_detailThere's a Hulu settlement to the northeast of the village. As far as we've been able to determine, these miniscule people are are the original inhabitants of the island. The members of the group usually wear masks. We still haven't determined the purpose of their dances. \n\nFor their part, the Hulu treat us cautiously. Since we don't want to make enemies of them, we'd like to find out more about them first. Are you prepared to travel to the [ZONE_BODO_WIND|Hulu Village] to uncover more information? It would be very important for ensuring a peaceful coexistence.
Sys426516_szquest_complete_detailWhat do you think about these mysterious drawings? I'd like to know what the pattern means.
Sys426516_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_BODO_WIND|Hulu Village] and find 10 [<S>242972|Hulu Artifacts] for [122866|Earl Hull's] studies.
Sys426516_szquest_uncomplete_detailIt's important that you proceed cautiously and don't endanger our relationship with aggressive behavior.