result count: 5

Sys426843_nameThe End of the Illusions
Sys426843_szquest_accept_detailThe rune altar is still producing illusions. The illusions have caused many to fall into despair, before being finally defeated by them in combat.\n\nChosen one, your will is strong. Defeat these illusions! Don't let the sacrifice of those who lost their lives be in vain!
Sys426843_szquest_complete_detailYour strength and courage amazes me. Only they of strong mind and brave hearts can reach this place. But keep these virtues about you when you enter [ZONE_VEILED_BRIM|The Haze]. Only then will you be able to overcome the illusions and find the right path.
Sys426843_szquest_descDefeat the [<S>108252|Shadow Cyclopes] and [<S>108254|Shadow Manticores] near [ZONE_VEILED_BRIM|The Haze].
Sys426843_szquest_uncomplete_detailChosen one, defeat the illusions! Avenge the victims and break the curse!