result count: 5

Sys426919_nameResearching the Old Mechanisms
Sys426919_szquest_accept_detailThere are loads of old mechanisms here. Some of them have changed over the years, and the way they are used has improved. For others, the knowledge of how to use them has been lost. But we're here to investigate the mechanisms, not pass judgment on the pros and cons of the times when they were created. We're far more interested in the ideas their creators had.\n\nBut it's impossible to do any research here at the moment. You can't get a moment's peace. Could you provide some assistance so that we can work in safety?
Sys426919_szquest_complete_detailHaha! We'll make the breakthrough in our research this time! Definitely!
Sys426919_szquest_descProvide security by defeating 10 [<S>108253|Haze Witches].
Sys426919_szquest_uncomplete_detailThis ancient transport magic can only be utilized by combining the magic of different spells. That's pretty complicated. It's also restricted to covering only very short stretches. That's why the transport magic wasn't used very much earlier. On the other hand, it shows that the person who set this up must put great store in the place where this transport magic leads.