result count: 5

Sys427510_nameWeakening the Minotaurs
Sys427510_szquest_accept_detailQuite a number of [<S>124372|Minotaur Totems of Worship] have been erected in the [ZONE_THE_PEAK|Snow Fortress]. These totems can sometimes emit the effects of a blessing spell after the minotaur priests have recited certain prayers, increasing the abilities of those affected.\n\nPlease help us to destroy some [<S>124372|Minotaur Totems of Worship], removing the minotaurs' blessing spells and weakening their capacity to fight.\n\nWe certainly don't want them to cause too much of a problem for the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance], but on the other hand we don't want to endanger their survival either.
Sys427510_szquest_complete_detailGood stuff. Excellent!\n\nThe minotaurs are pretty pesky opponents as it is. But when they're blessed by their totems, they can cause us serious problems.\n\nThe really annoying thing is that the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] is still trying to save them from the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League's] influence, which is why we're not allowed to simply annihilate them.
Sys427510_szquest_descHelp [124365|Jarnath Vernan] to destroy the [<S>124372|Minotaur Totems of Worship] in the [ZONE_THE_PEAK|Snow Fortress] and impair the minotaurs' ability to fight.
Sys427510_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease help us to destroy some [<S>124372|Minotaur Totems of Worship], removing the minotaurs' blessing spells and weakening their ability to fight.