result count: 5

Sys427520_nameSucculent Boar Meat
Sys427520_szquest_accept_detailIn the [ZONE_KRUESSE_HIGHLAND|Korris Uplands] there are some [109354|Upland Snow Hogs] that look really fat and tasty. If I could rustle up a few of them and knock together a feast, it would be a major boost to morale. After all, everyone loves meat!\n\nUnfortunately, the boars are rather aggressive and very dangerous. I'm not sure I'll manage it on my own. Do you think you could help me rustle up a few pieces of [243455|Succulent Boar Meat]?
Sys427520_szquest_complete_detailWow, these boars are seriously delicious and so succulent!\n\nI can just imagine how they traipsed around eating themselves nice and fat and round!\n\nBut it's a shame there'll be no one left to fetch me any more boar meat once you leave. And we'll never again be able to eat this scrumptious meat...
Sys427520_szquest_descThere are [<S>109354|Upland Snow Hogs] near the [ZONE_SNOWFOG_CAMP|Icefog Camp]. Go hunting and return with some [243455|Succulent Boar Meat] for [124352|Arwenla Harqil].
Sys427520_szquest_uncomplete_detailI need to look out for how hot the fire gets when making this soup. If we only had a little [243455|Succulent Boar Meat], I'm sure everyone would be very happy.