result count: 2

Sys530380_nameConqueror of the Ystra Highlands
Sys530380_shortnote[SC_QTITLE_TIP01|Obtain the following titles:]\n\nObtain title "[530312|Harf Spy]" \nObtain title "[530313|Destroyer of the Berhu King's Shadow]" \nObtain title "[530314|Flame and Frozen Food Heir]" \nObtain title "[530315|Sea of Snow Transport Expert]" \nObtain title "[530316|Conqueror of the Tower of Wailing Wind]" \nObtain title "[530317|Friend to Minotaurs]" \nObtain title "[530318|Witness of Fossil Resurrection]" \nObtain title "[530319|The Commander's the Man]" \nObtain title "[530320|Jones' Great Benefactor]" \nObtain title "[530321|Aukuda's Gratitude]" \n\n[SC_QTITLE_TIP02|After fulfilling the abovementioned conditions, please press the "Check" button to receive your title.]