ID: 115697

Name: Pioneer Frank
Description: Dreamland Pioneer
NPCText: [ADS_NPC115697|The power of Dreamland is greater than we imagined...

How does the rabbit head look? This place is the intersection of Dreamland and reality, but Dreamland energy has changed this place, and under the right conditions...thoughts can become reality. I was just now thinking about the rabbit I raised, and my head turned into a rabbit head.

In some ways, I really like this unique look, ha ha... Give me a little more time to study Dreamland Energy, and "thoughts can become real" will be not only a proverb, but a verb.

You must be interested in Dreamland too, so if you're willing to sponsor some of my research expenses, I may be able to provide you with some services...]

Type: normal(0)
Level: 0+-0
Speed: 0
Searchrange: 0
Followrange: 0

Respawn: 00:00:00
XP: 0
TP: 0

HP: 144
MP: 104
PATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MATK: 28
MDEF: 28