result count: 1

guidiconnamecasttimecd group,magicinfo
493318572316Reflected Shot

Causes (DMG0) long-distance weapon DPS and reflects two shots. Also, when you hit your target, the [SC_SKILLTIPS_01|Physical Attack Power] of party members within a range of 100 increases by (Buff0-503556) points and their [SC_SKILLTIPS_02|Magical Attack Power] by (Buff1-503556) points for (Buff-Time-503556) seconds.
([SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_1|After the effect has ended it cannot be triggered again for ](Buff-Time-503563)[SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_2| seconds.])
cast: 0
>delay: 0
hits: 1
>delay 1
110: 500927
4: 503555
AttackDistance: 0
RangeType: bad_range(3)
>EffectRange: 60
>effectcount: 3
RangeSelect: Lighting2(6)
>shared: 0