result count: 1

guidiconnamecasttimecd group,magicinfo
497723589498Determination Rune

Use the power of this rune to protect yourself. It counteracts damage equal to (Buff1-Shield)% of Maximum HP for (Buff0-Time) seconds.
When used while in a [621218|Shield Form] state, this blocks damage equal to (Buff0-Shield)% of maximum HP, and reduces [SC_SKILLTIPS_HURT_PASSIVE|Received Physical] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_MHURT_PASSIVE|Received Magical Damage] by (Buff0-0)%.

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

cast: 0
>delay: 0
hits: 1
>delay 1
360: Determination Rune 621259
1: Determination Rune 621246
AttackDistance: 1
RangeType: target(0)