result count: 1

102258 - 578523
Hidden Panther
The shadows of the trees are great for them to hide in...
normal (0)
Lv: 53+0
Savage Lands (8)
>1027, 129, 23273
>(55, 39)
Link Rune
HP: 20.011
PATK: 1.189
MATK: 978
PDEF: 4.491
MDEF: 4.521
PDMG: 287
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 650
tp: 780
720011 (5%)
720142 (5%)
722159 (3.5%)
720101 (3%)
723983 (3%)
722193 (2%)
724499 (1.5%)
724500 (1%)
770655 Card - Hidden Panther (1%)