result count: 1

103525 - 581880
Ruins Bandit
The majority of the bandits who opt to haunt the ruins are actually using this place as a base. This is because no one is going to stumble across here unless they have a bone to pick...
normal (0)
Lv: 56+2
Thunderhoof Hills (15)
>-6595, -74, 4461
>(47, 61)
Activate Rune
HP: 24.774
PATK: 1.354
MATK: 1.069
PDEF: 5.031
MDEF: 5.506
PDMG: 2.293
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 753
tp: 903
720101 (15%)
720142 (10%)
723983 (10%)
720011 (5%)
722159 (3.5%)
722193 (2%)
724499 (1.5%)
724500 (1%)
770777 Card - Ruins Bandit (0.1%)