result count: 1

105849 - 582395
Kagasi Plains Stone Armored Rhino
The most clumsy creature on Kagasi Plains. Their skin is as hard as stone, even a knife can't cut through it. But the ham made of their legs is very delicious, therefore, Dorris villagers try all means to hunt them.
normal (0)
Lv: 65+0
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-15201, 57, 33949
>(36, 91)
Link Rune
HP: 60.030
PATK: 5.906
MATK: 1.375
PDEF: 16.007
MDEF: 16.007
PDMG: 1.095
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 953
tp: 1.144
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771129 Card - Kagasi Plains Stone Armored Rhino (0.1%)