result count: 10

SO_110782_1I heard that you could offer me a free ride.
SO_110782_2Please lend me a mount.
SO_110782_3White Horse, 15 mins, 900 gold coins
ST_110782_1It's true. I have a good relationship with the leader of the Silvershadow Adventurers' Guild, and I'd like to offer you a free ride - but one time only! The horse I'll lend you will come back to me in 15 minutes by itself. Don't miss this chance!\n\nAre you ready?
ST_110782_2Haven't I lent it to you once before? I must have warned you that you can only borrow it once! This is my livelihood! I can't keep giving things away for free! You can rent a Mount for 900 gold coins per 15 minutes. You won't get a better price anywhere else!
ST_110782_3Which one do you want to rent?
Sys110782_szquestnpctextWant to rent a mount?
Sys110782_titlenameStable Master