result count: 9

SC_111620_01Kid, you have already learnt everything that I could teach you. The youth surpasses the old. Perhaps it's time for me to retire.
SC_111620_02Kid, If you want to improve your tailoring skill, I think you should go and find one of the legendary master tailors.\n\nApparently there is one in the [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold]. Perhaps you should try looking there.
SC_111620_03Kid, you are a good student. With your current level, you should seek out [110391|Rachel Taylor] in [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas]. She will be able to show you the next steps.
SC_111620_04Kid, there is still room for improvent with your tailoring skill, but it seems that you currently don't put in enough effort.\n\nIt doesn't matter. When you've freed your mind of other occupations, come and find me. I'll be waiting for you.
SC_111620_05All right kid, I will now teach you tailoring.\n\n\n\nIf you want to do some tailoring, you need to stand next to tailoring tools. Then you go to "Crafting" in the system menu and select "Tailoring." If you have the proper materials for the items you want to produce, you can start right away.
Sys111620_nameHorlee Nachsie
Sys111620_name_pluralHorlee Nachsie
Sys111620_szquestnpctextYoungster, do you want to learn tailoring?\nThe options are endless with tailoring if you choose this path.
Sys111620_titlenameTailoring Instructor