result count: 6

SC_112625_0Then please make a long story short!
SC_112625_1(You can barely hear Layse's voice.)\nI know what attacked those soldiers. There's a powerful animal in this forest. Of course, I'm not talking about those swaggering Bunga Beasts. I'm talking about trolls, the oldest and strongest sub-humans of Candara. Big, cruel, and smart. They are natural hunters, hunting nearly any animal. Those soldiers must have unknowingly entered their hunting grounds and so were all killed. I suggest you get away from here as quickly as possible. I can see you're not an average traveler, but believe me, this is their territory, and they have the advantage! Go!
Sys112625_nameLayse Ikali
Sys112625_name_pluralLayse Ikalis
Sys112625_szquestnpctext([112625|Layse Ikali] looks nervous.)\n\nSssh! Please don't force me to make any noise. That will get us both killed!
Sys112625_titlenameEcology Research Team Member