result count: 11

SC_114577_0Do you want to find him? I just saw...saw a group of them carrying a bunch of stuff that way.\n\nThey also took something of mine. I can take you to find them, and maybe you two can get my things back from them.
SC_114577_1[114454|Morrok Wallinder]: I've arrived. I'm nearby.
SC_114577_2I'm willing to help you get your goods back from [103292|Maxim Erekat III].
SC_114577_3Come with me...
SC_114577_4Take care of them immediately!
SC_114577_5Of course, let's get it done quickly so we can report back.
SC_114577_6Damn! We need to stop him from getting away!
SC_114577_7I'm here. I will first go investigate nearby. Let's meet here later.
Sys114577_nameEmbittered Resident of Avano
Sys114577_name_pluralEmbittered Residents of Avano
Sys114577_szquestnpctextMy things have been stolen.