result count: 4

Sys116775_nameAilic's Community Announcer
Sys116775_szquestdoingtextThe discovery of the [ZONE_DGN_MENORCA_EMPIRE_RUINS|Ruins of the Magnork Kingdom] is one of the greatest events in history. This ancient knowledge is priceless.
Sys116775_szquestnpctextDear adventurers, [SC_ALLIC_COMMUNITY|Ailic's Community] has met with some obstacles.\n\nDeep inside [ZONE_ALIMAR_TOMB|Alimus' Tomb], we found the [ZONE_DGN_MENORCA_EMPIRE_RUINS|Ruins of the Magnork Kingdom].\n\nThis is a great discovery, but it appears that we now have a rather big problem...
Sys116775_titlenameAilic's Community