result count: 9

SC_117562_01Traveled abroad, crossed the sea, and young to boot! What ambition and ideals! Sighhh
SC_117562_02Pursuing goals and trusting in one's own abilities. Fearless in the face of hardship! Sighhhh
SC_117562_03Even if one strays from the path, "the stars will help to guide them back on track..."
SC_117562_04Even if the path happens is littered with obstacles, "continuing into the wind and confronting the challenge..."
SC_117562_05Traveled abroad, crossed the sea, and young to boot! Chasing the dream and never giving up! Sighhh
Sys117562_szquestnpctextWelcome to the Smile Shop. Currently my brother, Hurster, and I are working hard to build are reputation around here. Please come here for all your shopping needs!
Sys117562_titlenameAdventuring Merchant